My own personal "big bang" was April 2, 1954, in Stratford, Ontario. Thanks for hanging on that extra day, Mom!

It's very real to me, that distant era. I had close to 6 years in this primal post-war decade to absorb the sounds through the latest in tubular technology
and with wide-open ears. With my family on the move, to Oakville, then 2 places in Lachine, Quebec, I was well into the school scene before the Sixties arrived.

My Mom says that one day, when I was still enjoying my pre-school years, her music teacher friend was over visiting.
She listened to the racket I used to make by banging on things with fingers and hands, and then said
"You realize, he's playing by ear?" She recognized some of the "songs" I was banging out.
Hey, it was my "pre-note" period, I guess. I'd love to know what songs they were.

The first music I remember, other than organ and hyms at our local United Church, was a Folkways record we had of
African Yuruban chants. I played this over and over on our little brown one-piece record player. Again, I'd love to find the album,
I hope I could recognize and remember them. I've since found Yuruban chants and videos on line: powerful stuff.
(Bet my Mom and Dad didn't know what they were singing about.)